So it has been a while sine I last posted, over a year. My bad. Life was a little crazy last year and I was learning how to manage my time, it took me awhile, but I think I now got this time thing under control. Let me start with the summer of 2010.
I went to my boyfriends family reunion, camping for three days at his cousins farm. His family does this every year and its always themed, which was interesting. This past years theme was 'down on the farm', it was...I think I will stick with the word interesting. It was a great weekend! And yes, everyone at the reunion wore the same matching shirts.
Good old band season 2010. This year was great! Halloween was the same day as our championship competition, not so great. It started nice and early around 8/9am, at that point in time I was a pirate and Brian (the boyfriend) was a ninja. So naturally an epic battle ensued later in the day. If you ask any of the woodwind kids they will tell you that I totally won. The kids had a great time this year even though they placed 7 out of 8. They recognized that their overall score was better than last year and most told me that they accomplished their goal of not being last, band kids always being optimistic.
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